
As promised, ladies and gents, now that my newest project is complete I can tell you about it.

Wonderloss cover shot


Allow me to introduce my latest collection of poetry, titled WonderLoss. In it I wrote poems about loss, love and generally all things emotional. For me it was an emotional release of the ups and downs my life has taken over the last year or so. The cover art is my own work. Hope you like it.

I have fully completed it, and am awaiting approval from CreateSpace in order to get my proof. I’ll make sure it isn’t riddled with tragic errors, and then I will officially publish it. Once I do that, I will make another announcement along with a link if you are interested in picking up a copy.


Until then, Happy reading.

Keeping At It

Here we are, 6 days into my personal poetry challenge. When I first decided to create a book of 150 poems in 90 days, I thought easy as pie. I’m always writing something. I’ve totally got this!

But around day 3, I realized what a big commitment writing 1.66 poems a day is. Seems like nothing, but miss a day and you fall behind. First of all, being a writer is not my only responsibility. I have family that needs help sometimes, friends that want to hang out, and a household to maintain-not to mention I just moved, so I need to unpack. Plus there are about 6 different series that have posted new seasons to Netflix.

When day three came and went I only had 4 poems complete. My personal challenge was starting to look like an actual test of my will power and skill. I know I set this challenge for myself, and there is no penalty if I fail; however, I was serious when I made this plan. I intend to see it through.

Last night into early this morning (day 5) I had  some quite time. My husband and dog were sleeping, my friends and family rested in their own homes, and it was too late to be making noise. While I had this blessed worry free time, I sat down and really focused. Hours later -and well after my bedtime, I had completed 6 poems, bringing my total to 10- right about where I should be 5 days into the challenge.

I realize now that I have given myself a lofty goal, but you can be my witness: I will keep at it till the end.