Keeping At It

Here we are, 6 days into my personal poetry challenge. When I first decided to create a book of 150 poems in 90 days, I thought easy as pie. I’m always writing something. I’ve totally got this!

But around day 3, I realized what a big commitment writing 1.66 poems a day is. Seems like nothing, but miss a day and you fall behind. First of all, being a writer is not my only responsibility. I have family that needs help sometimes, friends that want to hang out, and a household to maintain-not to mention I just moved, so I need to unpack. Plus there are about 6 different series that have posted new seasons to Netflix.

When day three came and went I only had 4 poems complete. My personal challenge was starting to look like an actual test of my will power and skill. I know I set this challenge for myself, and there is no penalty if I fail; however, I was serious when I made this plan. I intend to see it through.

Last night into early this morning (day 5) I had  some quite time. My husband and dog were sleeping, my friends and family rested in their own homes, and it was too late to be making noise. While I had this blessed worry free time, I sat down and really focused. Hours later -and well after my bedtime, I had completed 6 poems, bringing my total to 10- right about where I should be 5 days into the challenge.

I realize now that I have given myself a lofty goal, but you can be my witness: I will keep at it till the end.